The Cliff of Castelvetro The Cliff of Castelvetro, in the territory of Teglio, is ideal for all climbing enthusiasts. Located to the south, in a sheltered position, it is also accessible in the colder seasons. Composed of a rather compact shale rock, the cliff offers 25 pitches, fully equipped and suitable for various climbing styles, from technical climbs to overhangs. It can be reached in a few minutes on foot, along a shady path connected to the nearby car park.
Read more Pitches:
Bradipo 5c, 15m
Attenti alla birba 6a+, 25m
Saéta fughénta 6b+, 25m
Regina di cuori 6c, 25m
Fuga bagnata 6b+, 25m
Incastro aereo 6c+, 25m
Chissà mai N.L. (7b?), 15m
Prima o poi 7a, 15m
Chi resta ride L1 6c+, 15m - L2 4a, 10m
La rivincita dei mediocri 6a, 25m
Geronimo 6b, 25m
San Tommaso 6b+, 25m
Caffeina 6c+, 15m
Per sempre nella mente 6c+, 25m
Diavolina 6a+, 13m
Sipario L1 6a, 13m - L2 4a, 13m
Lifroc 5b, 25m
Variante 5c
Divertiamoci 5a, 25m
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